Sunday, August 21, 2011

Garner State Park!

I was definitely looking forward to this years Garner State Park trip. In fact I was so excited that I stretched my creativity to the limit just trying to pass the time.  I made lists of things we would need, organized thoughts and notes for an upcoming event I'm planning and cleaned for fun as well as put together several projects that would keep my mind off of the things that were quickly approaching. Yes, I've always thought of time as quickly passing, but those three days were by far the longest three days in all my years and experience in waiting.

I thought it would never come.  But of course, the future doesn't stay the future for very long. And so it came and I was definitely ready.  That morning I was awake early making breakfast for everyone.  (We wouldn't be going ANYWHERE until dad had breakfast)  After making sure everything was in the car, we piled in and drove out of the driveway, not to return for an entire week.

Neither of my parents were too thrilled at the idea of camping all week under the hot Texas sun, but they were able to sacrifice their doubts for the greater good. Yes, I am very thankful for that.

We soon arrived and checked in.  We then decided we should find our campsite and start pulling out all the junk that took hours to organize.  (Okay.. it didn't take that long.. but it was long enough)  We were driving towards the site when we ran across 4 helpless hitchhikers.  Oh sorry.. I mean my friends.  Looking like they needed a ride we invited them into our small car that was in no way made for 9 people.  But we made it work.

Like last year, the trip consisted of lots of swimming, hiking, dancing and star watching. All which was expected.  What was NOT expected, was the flood that attacked our shelter early Friday morning.  It hasn't rained all year so I was a little shocked when it decided to thunderstorm the week we go camping.

The girls (Emily, Julia, Sydney and I) were originally in the tent.  But seeing that we would be having rain that night we switched sleeping arrangements.  The boys graciously gave us their shelter and they took our tent.  Well that night it poured, the thunder boomed and the lighting lit the entire sky as water started racing into our shelter.  I, being the fortunate one to have claimed the only air mattress was oblivious to the 3 inches of water under me until Emily got up soaking wet. Not being able to go sleep and being without a cellphone, I stood up to see how everyone else was doing.  About this time everyone else started getting up off of their soaking and almost submerged in water sleeping bags.  We all huddled on my air mattress.  Those looking in would probably think we were having an absolutely miserable time, but we laughed at how pathetic we looked and sang rain songs as we counted down the hours until morning.

Finally we were rescued and we took refuge in the only shelter with food, while the boys, thoroughly entertained with our "misery", laughed from their tent.  Until they realized that we were the ones with the food and the games.  HAH! We finally all went to sleep and awoke to a very muddy campsite, a lot of wet clothes and blankets and an obliterated canopy.  Mom was about ready to pack up and leave but I convinced her to stay and we stuck out the rest of the week with cheerful faces.  (But not without a few laundromat runs)

The trip by far was very enjoyable.  I definitely enjoyed the seemingly endless company of my friends and all the laughs and unforgettable memories that came alongside.  I definitely will not be forgetting this trip and I can't wait to return again.

I'll be back again next year, Garner!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Patience is a virtue"

Patience is an interesting word.  It can also be a name.. but that's beside the point.

I envy my dads patience.  But I suppose living in a house full of hormonal girls requires him to exercise such a virtue.  He must take his responsibility seriously, being the only man in this house with no one to share these duties with besides maybe our male cat, George.  But as George is a ladies man.. or rather, cat, and doesn't take his duties seriously.  My father is left to tend to these duties as a patient and nurturing father as well as a loving husband.

Unfortunately, I did not inherit this quality.

I love working with children which allows me ample opportunity to be patient which is good.  I'm not extremely impatient, but when I get annoyed it's much easier for me to fly off the handle. (As with most people)

A couple of weeks ago I worked with a VBS class.  It was great, when I wasn't singing with the praise team I was helping the kids with craft and taking them to snack etc.  But of course, every class has those few kids that just love being, well.. annoying.

My patience was about to be tested.  There was, as always,  the leader of the troublemakers, had he been absent those five days, my job would have been much easier.  He would start the trouble and the other two kids would follow his lead.  He didn't really treat me like someone who was in authority over him OR someone who would have him sent home if need be.. but I was, oh yes.. I was.

By the end of that week he had kicked me once and punched me.. twice.  Real charming kid. But it was definitely a great patience tester.  God never ceases to give me opportunity to grow in an area that i've proven to need a lot of growth in. He's just amazing, ain't he?

Maybe next time I should count to ten.

1.. 2.. 3.. 4 I'm gonna kill that kid 5.. 6.. okay I won't kill him, just cause him a lot of physical pain.. 7.. 8.. yeah that's a perfect idea.. yeeeaaahhh.. 9.. 10.