Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Regionals '12.. Can't really think of anything cool to call this.

I remember pulling out my notebook of inspirations at the beginning of this year and jotting down a list of dreams/goals that I had for the future.   They were a combination of short term and long term goals.  After I finished writing, I stared at the paper, there were about 16 or 17 in all.  As I scrolled back over the list I noticed that each would take a great amount of effort and time.  They would require me to work extra hard and at times, really step outside my comfort zone.  But, I figured that this is what I wanted, so I was gonna work for it.

I ended up posting the list on this blog and if you remember back to that post (The Zone of Comfort: My Dreams ) You'll remember that one of my goals was to make it to Nationals in NCFCA.  In my mind, this is going to be one of the harder ones. 

At the beginning of this speech and debate season I began brainstorming ideas of what I wanted to write speeches on.  I decided to do something a little different this year and try my hand at Illustrated Oratory, which is basically a speech with boards for visual aids.  But what to write my IO on?  That was the question.  I was stumped.  I didn't want to write it on any usual speech topic that everyone else would be attempting to claim.  I wanted something different.  But most importantly, I wanted something I felt strongly about and that would impact the people around me.  Finally, after much thinking I decided to write a speech on Sex Trafficking.  Was it random? Absolutely not.  I feel very strongly about the abolition of sex trafficking.  It's a depressing topic, but people need to know that it happens.  I wanted to make them aware and then empower them to want to end it as well.

My mind was made up, and nothing was gonna change it.  Besides maybe my parents, no one really thought my speech topic was cool.   "What's your IO on?"  "Sex trafficking!"  "..Oh.."  This is usually how the conversations went and they were always accompanied by strange looks.  Times like this made me second guess myself and my speech topic.  Hmm.. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea.  But the Lord encouraged me to keep going.  This speech topic was odd, it was out of the ordinary, and it was different, but I was gonna do it anyway.  In your face, haters. :)

The year started out rough, but when I placed second with it in Houston I was encouraged.  I came home, worked on it some more and prepared to take it to the Regional tournament.  Yes, my dream was to make it to Nationals, and I worked hard.  I wasn't gonna come home after Regionals and wish I had done more.  Needless to say, the Lord never left my side.  I prayed before every round and I placed my PG-13 speech in his hands.  Whatever he wanted.  I was kinda freaked out because sometimes when I get really nervous in a round I blank out and since this was Regionals, I couldn't afford to blank out.

Well, every round was perfect.  I ended up advancing to finals and again, that round was perfect.  I can't give credit to my own strength because I did nothing but give a speech, it was all God.  I gave that last round my best and then waited. Oh, the joy of waiting.

Sitting in that big sanctuary.  Watching people walk up on stage.  Seeing friends qualify to nationals was all incredible.  Finally, they called up the IO finalists.  I don't know if I looked nervous, but I can tell you that my stomach felt like it was gonna implode at any moment.  We all stood there.  They announced 6th place.. 5th place.. No advancement to nationals.. 4th place.. Conner Liberto.  I started walking.  Dang it I thought as I started walking towards the stage, I barely missed it.  Ugh.  Next thing I know Mrs. Cromer says: "And she is advancing to the National Championship!" I stopped.  My mouth probably dropped open, but I can't really account for anything else that I did after that.
 I accepted my award and walked over to get my picture taken.  I don't even think I smiled because I was in shock.  Pretty sad, I know.  But that's not completely my fault, he didn't say " say cheese!' or anything!

I did it.  Not by my own strength, but by God's.  I proved to myself that if you set a goal and work for it, then you can achieve it.  I felt so blessed in that moment and I felt like I didn't really deserve it, but it was amazing nonetheless.

So yeah. That's this years "Regionals story" :)