Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just a Few questions:

These are a few questions we discussed today, they challenge you study every aspect of your life and decide how you can do better or improve. If we as human beings never strive to improve then we never change, we mentally stay the same, they is always room for improvement.

-What areas of my life do i not care about that i know i should care about?

- In what areas have i fallen short of Gods standards and my own potential.

-In what areas have i settled for just getting by when i know i could've done better if i really tried.

- In what areas have i decided that things "will always be this way" without ever putting in the kind of effort that really changes things.

All of these questions somehow apply to me because I have areas that i can for sure improve in. i think everyone has these areas where they can improve cause when you help yourself do better you build character.

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