Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Thanksgiving Tribute

And again, Thanksgiving has come and gone, but just because the day is over doesn't mean the spirit should be also.  We may not 'chow down' on turkey everyday but we can still choose to be thankful everyday.  We should take every opportunity to show gratitude.

What did we do this Thanksgiving?

We left early Thursday morning, about 8:30.  A little later than I had originally hoped but hey, we're the Liberto's remember?  I should've expected nothing more.  Anyway, we were out by 8:30 and we started traveling to Houston.  I was content, we listened to Narnia in between reading and listening to music, and the trip just flew by!  Although, for us yearly Missouri travelers, the trip was nothing.  We were supposed to eat about one o' clock and in hopes of not getting there late, we were racing against time.  Don't worry though, no speed limits were crossed.  We arrived just in time, about 12:45 actually, were we lucky or what!  And get this, we didn't even get lost!  This was a big thing for us.  Those maps are pretty complicated, believe me.  Well, the food was absolutely delish and I ate a lot, as always on Thanksgiving day. After this we all went outside to enjoy the weather, I was patiently waiting for it to get colder.  And just my luck, it starts pouring rain.  But this was the fun part!  Running back to the house, occaisonally taking refuge under large trees. I took refuge under Stephen's 40 dollar hat. :)  Don't worry, It didn't last very long at all and we headed back out over to the fake, manmade lake.  I believe 'Unswimmable' is an accurate term for it.  We hung out there for a while and then in the car and off to Huntsville!  The remainder of the trip was more than fun, I had recieved the cold weather I wanted and I spent the rest of my Thanksgiving break with people I really enjoy being around.  We made fires, watched movies, went bowling, jumped on the trampoline with sleeping bags and made tons of unforgettable memories.  I realized how grateful I was to have such awesome friends and I hope we will continue to be friends.  Thanks, guys, I love you all. :)

Thanksgiving comes only once a year, but this doesn't mean we should set aside only this day to be thankful.  We should wake up everymorning with an 'attitude of gratitude', we always have something to be thankful about, even if we don't realize it.  I can say I'm thankful for my family, my awesome friends who never cease to be there for me, my education, my life.  The fact that I have a bed to sleep in at night and food to eat in the morning.  But most of all, The unescapable fact that I have Jesus, who cares for me so much that he would die the most excruciating death for me.  This is what I'm thankful for; and I try my best to express my thanks as often as I can, although this can get tough.  It's can sometimes be hard to act thankful when the circumstances are giving you no reason to be thankful.  We have to steer away from finding our happiness in life alone, when we start to find our joy through Christ we will find there are many things to be thankful for.

Be thankful and I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving day!

1 comment:

  1. Great message, it's soo true!
    Btw, I love how you re-did your page :) How did you get this idea?
