Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day #9: Change IS possible

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Sometimes we undermine ourselves.  "I could never accomplish anything great.. I'm too small and insignificant". Or one that I've even said, "I could never do anything to change the world, I'm just one person."  That's true, individually we are just one person.  But each and every one of us has the capacity for something great with the Lord's help.  We just have to have the willingness to persevere toward that goal and the determination that equips us to never back down. Of course we can't do anything without the Lord's help, but with him on our side.. what can we not do? 

This world we find ourselves encompassed in is in desperate need of change.  And we have the ability to do something about it.  Not to long ago I was in the car with my dad, I was voicing my frustration about how I wanted to do something that would change the world but I didn't know how.  He explained to me that changing the world doesn't have to involve doing something big that everyone notices immediately.  It can be something little.  But in the end.. the impact can be huge!  Missionary's in other countries often go unnoticed by the rest of the world.  Yes, they are known by their church, family, and friends, but other than that.. there's no spot light.  Yet they are changing the world everyday.  Daily Bread Food ministries reaches out to those in poverty every day.  Every day they are making a positive influence on so many peoples lives.  They may not be changing the whole world in and of itself, but they sure are impacting each of those peoples lives.  You don't have to strive to change the world all at once, what if we started with individual people?  What if we changed the world one person at a time?

"If you have the desire to change, the decisiveness to take action, the determination to persist on your forward track and the discipline to make yourself do whatever you need to do, your self confidence and your success are inevitable."

{Conner Danielle}

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