Friday, July 15, 2011

Day #17: Commitment.. (I couldn't come up with anything creative.)

And again.. for the third time. I have yet another childhood story.  But I had many interesting, dangerous and full of fun childhood experiences so this is probably not the last time you'll get one of my, "When I was younger" stories. 

When we were younger and forced to find creativity in a seemingly uncreative world we would play the famously known and accepted childhood favorite "Hide and Seek" in our cousin's basement.  It was a blast!  It was big and dark with unending places to hide.  But, with many places to hide comes many places to almost kill yourself, but those are stories for a different day.  The four of us would congregate in the basement and decide who would would be doomed to count first.  We would play for a while.  End up slightly bruised and laughing (there were dangerous obstacles at every turn.)  Then came that moment.  Sydney would get tagged.  "Okay, Sydney's it!"  "Nooo!! I don't want to be it!"  She would spend a few minutes pouting and explaining to us why she shouldn't be it.  I, being the oldest, took it as my responsibily to use my persuasive skills to get her to be "it".  But to no avail, she wasn't getting her way thus she made the final desicion.  "I'm not playing anymore!"  And with that, she would turn around and strut upstairs with an occasional sniffle.

There's this thing called "commitment". When you commit to something, it's our responsibility to stay commited to it.  Wether it's a job, a relationship, or even a game of hide and seek. I have told myself that If I'm going to start somthing I need to finish it.  Thank goodness my parents have always been there to keep me accountable to that.  Because in an uncommited world, being convicted with commitment is a difficult yet crucial task. Look at the divorce rates.. they're getting higher because commitment is flying out the window.  Things will get hard.  And just because they do doesn't mean you give up, just all the more reason to hold on tighter.  Like Sydney didn't do so many times.  I love her to death, but if she would have just stayed committed to our silly game of hide and seek maybe we wouldn't of had to prematurely end so many games.  Sometimes it's hard to stay commited to something.  There have been plenty of times when I just don't feel like going to work, or doing what my dad wants me to.  But that does mean you give up.  Commitment requires you to hang on through the good and the bad.  Not just the good, which is probably why so many marriages and relationships fail. 

This also means having a commited relationship with the Lord.  Reading your Bible and obeying his word.  We need to strive to be a people that stays committed through the good and bad times.  To anything.. it doesn't matter what it is. 

{Conner Danielle}

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