Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day #13: Learn to "Love" it

As the designated “bearer of bad news” I have something sad but seemingly obvious to point out.  We are not going to love everything we do. I know, I know I’m sure  that was a huge surprise to some of you.  But on a serious note, we are going to encounter things that we will absolutely dread doing.  We need to know how to deal with those miserable things we will confront in life. 

I have a bad habit of saying “I don’t want to”.  I try not to, but sometimes it just slips out.  And of course, it’s obvious when I don’t want to do something, verbally    pointing it out doesn’t really do much good. My goal is to do everything with a cheerful attitude. 

A long time ago when it was just Sydney and I, we had a knack for coming up with the most creative ways have fun doing things that were normally not fun.  We would turn everything into a game to make it infinitely more fun, get it done quicker, and laugh while doing it.  Back in the day, I wanted to be an interior designer.  Yes, that was my dream.  I was so psyched about it that I actually enjoyed following my dad around Home Depot cause it meant I could run to the paint section and bring home tons of those color cards.  But no, my mild obsession didn’t stop there.. I opened my own office.  Next thing I knew I was sitting behind a fold out table, stacks of color coded cards and pamphlets planning my next trip to Home Depot.  So whenever It was my turn to clean the house, I would magically transform into one of those ladies on HGTV and act like I was re-doing my house.  I look back and laugh at how silly this was, but it helped me get the job done while making it more enjoyable all at the same time.  

Of course you don’t have to play pretend to have fun doing something you don’t want to do.  It all starts with the attitude.  Adjust your attitude and you’re all set!  Pray that the Lord would help you with your attitude so that you have a smile on your face no matter what you're doing.  The truth is, we will encounter things we will hate, but to learn to love them is something that will prove very useful. Learn to love the things in life. 

{Conner Danielle}

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