Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day #23- Don't Fight It

"Don't fight it"

This small simple 3 word phrase is all the book gave me to work with.  I'm not entirely sure what it means, but if I were to guess it would be something along the lines of what I talked about in one of my previous posts.  Learning to love it.  So for those of you who missed that one.. you're in luck!  This post will be short and sweet.

We have a 6 year old in our family.  And while she is usually very obedient and respectful, she definitely has her "moments" when she doesn't want to do things.  And when she doesn't want to do something, we all know it, our house instantly becomes a war zone. It could be something as simple as, Go get your room cleaned up OR Go clean up the mess you left in the living room and she will definitely let us know if that's something she doesn't want to do.  What would usually take about 10 minutes to complete has now turned into an hour long ordeal that normally results in a nice long time out.  If she would have just accepted in the beginning what needed to be done, this mess could have easily been avoided.  Of course, I'm not just pointing fingers at her, we're all guilty of it.  We may not all throw temper tantrums but we all have our own special little ways of showing people we don't want to do something.  Mine would be a bad attitude, something I need to learn to overcome. If we could "learn to love it" then we could easily avoid the mess that usually comes from "fighting it".

Life will be full of things we won't want to do.  I don't want to do math.. but I still have to so I might as well learn to love and make it easier for my dad as well as make it more enjoyable for myself (I still haven't figured out how to do that.) When we fight things we don't want to do, we're only making it miserable for ourselves and those around us.  So live with a cheerful attitude, let the light of Christ shine through you in everything you do! James 1:2 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds."

{Phillippians 4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!"}

{Conner Danielle}

John 5:11 says, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."

Let us live and work with the joy of the Lord!

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