Monday, July 25, 2011

Day #27: Don't Be A Complainer

If I were standing in front of a group of  little kids right now I would ask..

"So how many of you have ever complained about something."

There would be a short silence and then a majority of them would fearlessly lift their tiny innocent hands.  A few of them would look around at their peers.  There would be some giggling.  And the "louder ones" of the group would start telling me about the last time they complained about something.  There would probably be one or two that wouldn't raise their hands at all.  "You've never complained about anything.. at all?" I would probably ask them.  Knowing that they have, they would probably only shrug their little shoulders. "I have definitely done my share of complaining" I would tell them and then we would go on from there.

The truth is, everyone has complained about something.  In fact, I complained just this morning about how I wish my face would just look clear for once.  But really, if we think about it.. is complaining about how my face isn't clear really going to make it magically look fine again tomorrow morning?  Well.. probably not. Truth is, complaining doesn't get us anywhere.  If complaining were to do anything, it would probably make us feel worse and give us a bad attitude.  Philippians 2:14 says, "Do all things without grumbling or questioning". We're supposed to live without the grumbling and complaining.  Of course we aren't perfect, and yes we will probably still complain about things.  but that doesn't  mean we can't be wary of our own malcontent.  Next time you want to complain about something or someone, catch yourself.  And instead of a dissatisfied remark, use your words to bless those around you. Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

{Conner Danielle}

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