Monday, July 4, 2011

Day #7: Thinking.. Up Up and Away!

Imagination is a fabulous tool. The unfortunate thing is that we, as humans, have a terrible habit of limiting our own creativity.  We need to instead, adopt the habit of thinking bigger, thinking better and thinking beyond what we perceive as our limit to accomplishment.  In reality, there are many things we count as hindrances.  We treat them as the end all and this in turn completely destroys our own creative processes.  We are supposed to think bigger than these hindrances.  We should count them as nothing if we have the imagination and the willingness to persevere.

"Oh, we don't have the finances.. therefore, we can't do it"  OR
 "Oh, we don't have enough support.. it won't work."

We only curse ourselves with this attitude.  What kind of world would this be if we constantly reined in our imagination and gave up at the first seemingly difficult obstacle that stood in our way.  With an attitude like that, how can we expect anything to work?

We seem to have stuffed our creativity into a small box.  We have limited it's capacity and keep it captive while it endlessly claws to get out. 

A couple of years ago my parents had a vision.  Their vision and their dream was to start company.  But it's not just a company, more importantly, it's a ministry.  It strives to teach young girls today that the God from the Bible is the same God today.  Now, 3 short difficult years later, my dad has authored his first book and the first doll is about to go into production.  Shall I remind you, this all started with simply, a dream.  And now this dream has become a reality all because we chose to think big.  We didn't limit our creativity to a box, if we had we would not be where we are today.  Starting a company takes a lot of resources.. money, being a huge one.  This was a great hindrance.  But with this ability to think big came our ability to persevere even when it didn't took like it would work. We chose to think big. 

 We have been given this mega resource.. the brain.  And we have been blessed with a very intellectual thought process.  Why are we limiting it?  Look at Steve Jobs.. he certainly didn't contain his creativity.  What about the founders of World Vision?  no contained creativity there either.  We have a world of possibilities yet we limit it to the things we can and cannot do.  This seems silly to me.  So I challenge you to think big and to think limitless.  I hope you have a dream or a vision, and if you do, I hope you aspire to act on it.

"If you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." -Mary Engelbreit

{Conner Danielle}

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