Friday, June 25, 2010

Low and High Standards.

What are low standards?

What are high standards?

Unfortunately, in the society we live in today we, as teenagers, aren’t really expected to do much at all. Besides what normal teenagers do. So, wouldn’t it be nice to prove our culture wrong by breaking low standards and attempting to achieve so much more, or truly reaching our potential.

What is our true potential?

Potential (Adj) - Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.

So, if you never try new things then you never show yourself or other people what your capable of.

Break low standards and reach for high ones. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is truth?

As defined my Merriam Webster dictionary:
'The body of real things, events and facts' Or 'A trancendent, fundamental or spiritual reality'

Now, compare that definition to this definition, as defined by urban
What the world is afraid of. The things we hide from ourselves because it changes us, makes us uncomfortable.

There were millions of definitions like this on that website, and this shows us one thing. Not many people really knows what truth is anymore. This is unfortunate because we are in a battle. .
the Truth of God Vs. The lies of the world

In the culture we live in today, its hard to tell whats a lie and whats truth because there are so many definitions of it. Some make there own definitions to what they think truth is.

Truth- defined in The Truth Project is Gods definition of reality.

We cant define it by our perception of reality because we are human and out perceptions of reality change, God never changes. He was always and will always stay the same. So we define truth by Gods standards.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just a Few questions:

These are a few questions we discussed today, they challenge you study every aspect of your life and decide how you can do better or improve. If we as human beings never strive to improve then we never change, we mentally stay the same, they is always room for improvement.

-What areas of my life do i not care about that i know i should care about?

- In what areas have i fallen short of Gods standards and my own potential.

-In what areas have i settled for just getting by when i know i could've done better if i really tried.

- In what areas have i decided that things "will always be this way" without ever putting in the kind of effort that really changes things.

All of these questions somehow apply to me because I have areas that i can for sure improve in. i think everyone has these areas where they can improve cause when you help yourself do better you build character.

Raising the Bar

"Complacency is a blight that saps energy, dulls attitudes, and causes a drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with the way things are. The second is rejection of things as they might be. "Good Enough" becomes today's watchword and tomorrows standard.
Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course- downhill. They draw false strength from looking back."

If we go through life only doing it the easy way or just trying to get it over with we will never grow as people. . a little quote that reminds me of this is:
"What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

This is true, If we examine it further we find that if we push ourselves harder every time we not only grow physically and mentally but we also grow spiritually and it helps us build and define our character. If you slack off all through your teenage years its going to hurt you as you get older.

Being a teenager myself i understand the difficulty of growing up in this culture, a culture that only seems to be focused on impurity and immorality. A culture that doesn't really expect you to do much at all besides the "normal teenager" routine:

-Video games
- sitting at the computer till you butt hurts
- having a certain number of Boyfriends/girlfriends by the time you graduate high school. .
and the list goes on and on. . but its true. Unfortunately this is what out society expect of us today.

So what would it take to set your standards higher and accomplish things that the culture would not expect you to do? Raising the bar. . It hard at times but it will pay off, whether now or in the future.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Best Birthdays.

I personally love birthdays, but not just mine. They're just times of celebration and celebrating is always fun. Today is June 13 and its my mommas birthday. So me (being the incredible idea.. person that i am =P) Came up with a brilliant, and spontaneous idea. To go to a little hotel in Boerne called the 'Ye Kendell Inn' So we talked about it, and talked about and we decided against that. But, today after church we came to a hotel in San Antonio. This was a much better idea, better food.. better pool.. better EVERYTHING! So, so far my mom seems to really be enjoying her birthday and i hope it stays that way. I love you momma! :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

An amazing trip to China.

Although this was not a recent trip i've decided to let everybody know about the trip me and my parents made to China about a year ago. The reason we decided to make such a big trip is my parents wanted to go over there for some business stuff. And I, being the oldest, was asked to tag along. Well of course i was not going to pass up this amazing opportunity. So after a day of packing, and then the final goodbyes we were off to the airport. Well, all i gotta say is that was the longest flight i have EVER been on. Fortunately, we managed to get two rows all to ourselves and could, kind of , stretch out and get some sleep. I was too busy watching movies, and couldn't go to sleep cause i could not manage to find an even moderately comfortably sleeping position. So after a 15 hour flight we landed in the Hong Kong airport where we then took a bus ride to our hotel in Shilong. It was late and i was tired and in a foreign country. Kind of scary, but, i managed to sleep on the bus a little. The rest of the trip consisted of checking out the factory (the first week there was strictly business) Although, we did go shopping! (This made me happy) Then on a plane again to Beijing where we enjoyed China! That was a totally amazing experience and i made sure i got plenty of pictures. Well, after about 10 days we had to head home :( Another 15 hour flight and when we returned home our sleeping patterns were wayyy off for the next couple days but it was great and i would absolutely love to go back sometime.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh the joys of running.

Recently, my mother signed me up for track, like a summer program, and the first couple weeks were conditioning. This.. was the easy stuff. I thought i was all in shape and stuff and had no idea what was coming. Since I'm not in an actual school I'm not required to do any sports so i mostly worked out at my house and danced, which you could say, kept me somewhat in shape but not completely. I'm no endurance runner but sprinting is something i can do so at our wednesday practice we decided to prepare for upcoming track meets and run 16 100 meter sprints.. the equivelent to 4 miles! And since we got about a 30 second break in between each sprint it was almost like sprinting the entire 4 miles. Well, this intense workout left me seconds away from passing out (or at least i thought i was going to) Which would not have been he most pleasant thing. Running takes ALOT of perseverance and the will to keep going even when it gets hard. I always want to try my best and give my all at it.