Monday, July 12, 2010

The Art of Debate.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, was the first day of my wonderful, week long, speech and debate camp. Now one thing you must know about me is, I am no debate freak, I feel myself more drawn to speech at the moment. This may change in the future but as for now, no can do. Anyways, we learned about debate in the morning and covered the speech portion in the afternoon. I, was not as confused as the other 7 people in the classroom during "debate hour"and this, made me quite happy. Fortunately, I've gotten the privelege to watch many debate rounds through NCFCA speech and debate tournaments that I have attended and competed in so I've got a pretty good idea what happens. But it was still nice to have the "inside look" on Team Policy debate. We even tried a practice TP debate round today, I represented the 1st negative speaker and the topic/ resolution was as follows:

'Chocolate Kisses are better than Starburst'.

Now, this is no time to be sharing with you my personal opinion on the matter but if I had to choose right now I would probably be more inclined to go with the starburst. (Just in case you were wondering). Anyways, back on topic. I think my debate "round" went well. The reason I put it in quotes is because I'm not exactly sure if it could have been considered a round. In fact, I would have done remarkably better if I had been given time to prepare but since this was more for demonstrational purposes, I left it as it was. But what I think I learned from this is, debate is a very valuable skill to learn even if you dont plan on using it for competition. I will skip debate for perhaps, one more year and then maybe when I'm 17 I'll give it a try, so for now. . . that is my game plan. :)

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