Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Conclusion to a Great Week.

Well, as many of you already know I was at a Speech and Debate camp this week and it ended up being an awesome week. Now I'm not just saying this. . . I was actually looking forward to this camp before it started. I'm not really sure if any of the other kids were but I for sure was. This is because I enjoy public speaking. Some people are terrified of it, but I'm not. In fact, public speaking is the number 2 major fear among adults. The first is the fear of death. I agree with this partially because it can be frightening at times but I love trying new things even if they appear scary at first.

Friday was 'Presentation Day' We had a Team Policy round and after lunch we presented our speeches. We each had to present a Platform Speech and an Interp. This is funny because this is exactly what I competed in for competitive Speech and Debate last year. I was just a little nervous before I went up but not enough to make me chicken out. I think most people get a maybe a tiny bit nervous before they speak, I did. But I was still more than thrilled when it was my turn to go up. I'm not sure why, I just like speaking publicly AND entertaining people with my book interpretations. :) I really enjoyed this whole week, the new information AND the meeting new people. Awesome, Thank you Lord!

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