Saturday, July 24, 2010

Road trips Vs. Air Travel (Choices.. Choices..)

So which one is better? OR more convenient. I, myself, am an expert in both. (Take this into consideration: My family likes to travel.) But if you were to ask me which one I most prefer I would probably be at a loss for words (no joke). Each of these traveling methods have their upsides and downsides. For starters, air travel is 100 times more convenient. (Or i guess it depends on where your going) But our vacations, normally take us to good 'ol Missouri, so in this case. . plane= BETTER. Some of you might find roadtrips to be absolutely amazing AND convenient, but for our family. . . not so much. Don't get me wrong, I love this valuable time spent with my family but traveling with a 5 year old was never supposed to be easy. (a risk my parents were willing to take) Now, if we were headed to Dallas or Houston, it wouldn't be as bad, but compare 5 hours to 12 hours. Yikes. Stopping for the bathroom breaks every 10 minutes turns this 2 day drive into a 3 and a half day drive (Yes, I exaggerated a bit.) But you see where I'm coming from, do they not get that the more soda you drink the more we will have to stop to find a toilet! (Common Sense). But there is also all the amazing times me and my other sister have spent laughing our heads off about absolutely nothing, memories I wouldn't trade for ANYTHING! So, I do like roadtrips, alot of family fun just waiting to happen.

Now, what about taking a plane? You could say its more comfortable, unless you have huge legs. (I feel for you). Or when you take off and your ears start hurting. . . This really takes a lot out of my 'music time'. Plus all the people talking and babies crying, Ugh. And whats up with the drinks? Sure they're good, but I can see why they are 'Complimentary'. . . You can finish it in one gulp! Also, the bathrooms are WAY to small, how on earth did they manage to fit a normal sized toilet AND a sink in there!(I guess we will never know). But I should be thankful there is even a bathroom at all. So I guess the only thing good about these giant flying machines is they cut a lot of time out of traveling. A 2 day trip into 2 hours. (Again, it depends on where your going).
So I guess what you take from all this is. . . Be thankful you dont have to walk!

P.S Order Dr. Pepper on the plane, the Coca Cola is gross. :)

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