Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Learning (Driving) Experience

I, being the wonderful older sister that I am, promised Jordan (the 5 year old) that I would take her out for one last ride on the mule. Some of you might be wondering what a mule is. . . Yes, it is an animal but its also, This is hard to explain, a small car type thing. Not exactly a go kart, a little bigger, hopefully you see what I mean here. But anyways, this year jordan learned how to drive it. I’m not exactly sure how she accomplished this feat but she did nevertheless. Now, on with the story, It was early when we woke up because we had to stuff the car with our ‘junk’ for the trip ahead, and since I’m no morning person this was a miserable, miserable time for me. Only joking of course, it wasn’t the most pleasant time but it certainly was not miserable. Normally, I wake up and grab a nice cup of coffee but since this morning was not to go as planned I didn’t really get any time to enjoy it. . . at all. This is when Jordan finds me and asks me if we can go for a ride , in her cute little voice that she uses as a tool for evil. (To get what she wants). “Oh sure, its our last morning here, why not” I say to her. So I go out to the shed and drive it up to the house to pick up Jordan and retrieve my coffee. Now, we’re all ready to go, Jordan is behind the wheel and I’m sitting very closely to her holding my nice cup of morning coffee. “Okay Jordan lets go” She floors the gas pedal (Talk about a heavy foot) This was something I was not expecting. “Whoa!” luckily for me the coffee wasn’t hot, but I did have several coffee stains on my purple dress. She would push it a bit and then take her foot off, we would jolt forward and then abrubtly stop. “Jordan, i think I’m gonna go put this inside” This was smart, cause anymore of this risky driving and my dress would probably permenantely smell like coffee. Unfortunately, we had to go inside after this. Goodbye Farm. . . for now.

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