Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I like to throw rolls at people.

Have you every been to a restaurant that prefers throwing rolls at its customers instead of politely handing them to you? I have! It was quite an interesting experience if you ask me.

We entered the loud restaurant, specifically Lamberts (Springfield, MO), after waiting patiently for 10 long unending minutes. I find it quite humorous that 10 minutes isn't normally a long time to wait. . . unless your waiting for food, then it seems to drag on and on and on. And having 2 younger siblings there, patiently waiting with you (not really), makes this wait even more unenjoyable. Anyways, finally we were led to our table where we were greeted by a nice waitress and a "What can I get you guys to drink, today?". Like always, my answer is "sweet tea", Why? because it is a delicious drink, and slightly healthier than soda. . . I can only guess. Now, next is the fun, yet interesting part.

"HOT ROLLS!" customers from all over the crowded restaurant, expectantly turn there heads awaiting this delicious, hot member of the bread family. Of course, I wasn't paying attention and next thing I know rolls are being tossed at our table. I had to dodge a few to avoid being hit and getting bread crumbs all over me. But in the end it was most definitely worth it. Until my giant cheeseburger came along and I realized that I had no more room left in my stomach for it. . . Uh oh. I suppose I should of been prepared for the abundance of food I was to be served since I had dined there once before, but I was not, so I only ended up eating half of the cheeseburger and some fries. The rest is for my father when he arrives tomorrow night. (He is going to like this). My dad, is the leftover man, you don't want it. . . give it to my dad. Anyway, as the night concluded we were a bunch of tired, over stuffed kids, but when the food is that good. . . it doesn't matter. :)

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