Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Tale of a Lost Hamster.

Well, before I begin this epic tale (Not Really) I will give a little background into the story. My 11 year old sister, Sydney, purchased a teddy bear hamster a few weeks back and ended up naming him Theodore, much to my dismay, I wanted to name him Alejandro. Ha! I'm not exactly sure why I wanted name a hamster the most un hamster like name EVER but I liked it nonetheless. However, i didn't get my wish, Theodore remained as the hamsters one and only name.

Now, On with the story. . My sisters cage was. . malfunctioning, so she decided it would be easiest to just take the slide and the wheel that goes on top out, leaving a nice big hole right at the top. Well, this hamster is pretty big and I've concluded that he is also part monkey, meaning, he can get out of almost anything. So she quickly taped some cardboard/paper like stuff over the hole and then we left the house. This was a big mistake. See, something else you should also know about my sisters pet is, he LOVES to chew. You can probably already see where this is going. So we arrive home late that night, I head back to my room and I'm just minding my own business when suddenly I hear my sister yell "MY HAMSTERS GONE!" Uh oh, this can't be good, so I run back there and the hamster had indeed chewed his way from the cage. Well, I've come to the realization that I'm the only one in my family who can keep myself calm and composed in situations like these, My sister begins crying hysterically and just keeps saying "He's gone! He's gone!" over and over like she was in some sort of trance, She keeps this up for about 5 or so minutes when I finally look at her and go:
"Sydney, we are quite aware that your hamster is gone but crying will not help us find him!"
Well, this didn't really help so my dad finally told her to either help us or go away (Oh yeah, lots of family love right there) He didn't say it that harshly but you get the point. After about another 20 minutes of searching My parents and I kind of gave up for the time being and decided he would turn up looking for food and we would get him then.

Well, Leave it to my 5 year old sister, Jordan, to make matters worse. "Sydney, he probably got eaten by the cat!" She says in her little 5 year old sarcastic, drama queen voice. Well, as you probably figured this not only made Sydney continue to cry but cry harder. But, after about 10 minutes it all kinda goes back to normal.. kind of. My mom is comforting Sydney, talking about all the things they loved about that hamster, my dad goes back to his work and I retire to the computer. I guess i was pretty paranoid because about a minute later I see something crawling by the door sized windows in our office, I look over and in a moment of panic I kind of yelp and yell "There he is!" So they all run in and we retrieve the missing hamster.

So, i guess that shows you just how well families can work together in moments of "Crisis".

1 Timothy 4:12

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