Wednesday, July 7, 2010

River Gate Malfunction

Well, today we decided to take a nice family ‘trip’ down to the river, well, all of us besides dad.. he had to work. And since its only about 5 minutes away and its in our neighborhood I was allowed to drive, Well, i’ve done this may times before so I was just driving like I normally do when we reached the gate. We’ve lived out here for about 7 or 8 years and the gate has never really caused us any problems so we weren’t really expecting it to today. Well, lets just say we were wrong. I pull up in my mom's beloved mini van (why she loves that thing so much, I have yet to figure out) and i place the card on the little river card pad, and like always it begins to slowly open. Now here is when the trouble starts, the gate continued opening till it was past the halfway point and then the retarded piece of medal decided to stop.. Great! Well there I am sitting there on a pretty steep incline contemplating whether or not I can make it through with Mrs. backseat driver (a.k.a mom) sitting next me telling me to hurry up.. What am I supposed to do? Thats when the gate decided for me and started closing. So Sydney is in the back telling me to roll down her window so she can try it again, so I put it in reverse and hand her the card. And again, the gate stops in the exact same place but this time I’m totally ready for it and i start inching forward with my complete trust in my moms eyesight (She was watching her side to make sure I didn’t hit anything). All of a sudden I chickened out, too afraid I was gonna damage my moms car and I stopped. Well my mom certainly is not helping

“back up! or the gate is gonna hit the front of my car!”

This was one of those ‘Oh crud!’ moments so I again through the car in reverse and backed up. Yikes, that was a close one. Well, I guess I learned one thing from this. . . Always be quick to make up your mind. :)

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