Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm from the country, and I like it that way.

Well you can probably already guess what this post is going to say by my self explanatory title BUT I'm going to write it anyway, it is in my will to make you suffer.

I wasn't born in the country, in fact.. I was born in the middle of San Antonio, Texas, and if you've ever been there you know that it is anything BUT country.  But I did grow up in a country atmosphere, going to my nana and papa's farm in Missouri sometimes 3 times a year and usually staying for long periods of time. About 5 years ago we moved to good 'ol Boerne, Texas where it is definitely more country, and I like it.

This weekend was Boerne's annual Kendall County Fair, so I forced my awesome daddy to take me and my sister. Well, he did.. of course, and upon arrival we headed to the exhibit hall to check out the sewing projects my sister had entered into the contest. She did extraordinary, placing in everything she entered! After this we headed to the pavillion where the dancing took place so we could get our country dancing on! Yeehaw! Although I'm grateful it was not inside cause if that music was any louder I think my ears might have fallen off.  After about 2 or 3 songs we decided to give our weary ears a break and head to the rodeo. Well I guess it was just our luck, we walk right in between these 2 trucks to get a better view, and what do ya know? Hello there, familiar faces! Yes, we ran into a couple speech and debate families sitting together and decided to join them. Then I went up to the stand where Mr. Mack was doing the commentary for the rodeo, cause the rest of the girls were up there. We watched for about an hour and a half, and when the rodeo ended we said goodbyes to friends and walked back to the dancing pavillion.  Much to my dismay, we didn't get to stay. I was all ready too, clad in cowboy boots and my awesome country belt. But lucky for me I managed to convince my parents to take us Sunday too! (Which was just as fun, although this time we had the whole family) We danced again and then watched bullriding for about 2 hours. So all in all, it was a lot of fun! Hanging with friends and doing what I love to do. Until next time Kendall county fair, until next time!

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