Friday, April 22, 2011

Friends.. can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em

Well I've had an eventful last few days.. to say the least.  Wednesday I worked at the church all day.  Doing what, you ask?  Millions and millions of water balloons.  Okay not really, it was only about four hundred and something, which is not nearly as bad.  I was there all day making water balloons with my best friend.. and her brother.  Of course we couldn't start this adventure until we had eaten, so to Taco Cabana we go! I was thrilled. An excellent way to start the day.. mexican food!  Well, not really.  

As we were nearing completion of our third bucket we got a little distracted and our 2 year old sides really came out in full blast.  We started fighting.   Now, as hard as this may be to believe, I did not start this fight.  She threw a water balloon at me and I had no choice but to return the cold favor.  So I filled one up and threw it back. Next think I knew we were wrestling with the hose, soaking wet.  We were in the church parking lot  so basically, we were like "Live Idiot T.V" to anyone lucky enough to drive by.  I'm sure, in between these people's snorts of laughter they were probably inquiring why a 2 teenage girls were having a water fight.  My response to these party poopers would be, "Ya know, you only live once.  And you are never to old too have water fights. Don't hate."  And then life would proceed as before.  This was really quite fun and so it's hard to believe that anything bad could possibly come out of it.  Have you ever tried walking around the rest of the day with wet jeans?  If you have, then you can only imagine how uncomfortable this was for me.  Especially when we went to go get ice cream and the world stared at us as if we were freaks or something, oh please. You're just jealous 'cause you don't look like me right now.  Actually this is probably not true. In fact, it was I who was jealous of them.. and their dry pants.  However, I did get to truly experience what it's like to be a gangster.  How did you experience this? You ask.  Well after I got my jeans wet they became like 5 sizes bigger and began to sag.  All I will say to this is, thank goodness I was wearing a belt 'cause I sure didn't want my "pants on the ground".   In the end, I didn't care that I looked like a wet hobo, I was extremely happy.  I'm very blessed to have such an amazing best friend, who will still have water fights with me.  Someone I can count on and talk to whenever.  The moral of this story is: Keep your friends close and the water hose closer.  

On a more serious note, don't take advantage of those people God puts in your life.  I can assure you they are there for a reason.  They should be a blessing to you.   My friends are definitely a blessing to me.  And also, don't go through life as a boring person.  Sometimes crazy is good. ;)

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