Sunday, April 17, 2011

This One's For The Girls.

Sometimes, it's hard to be a girl.  Honestly, it's hard to be anyone in a world like this.  The world can be so stressful in the way it presents itself.  Does the world enjoy making itself so appealing to us girls? Only to make us feel even more insecure?  I've sometimes found myself giving in to the desires of the world, I can be easily tempted by it's "beckoning calls".  I know I shouldn't but sometimes, it's quite hard too.  The world gives us an example of something it thinks we should resemble and then tirelessly struggles to convince us of it.   It throws us magazines and billions of MTV t.v shows that promise "perfection", Yeah right! The reality is that this standard of perfection isn't even.. real.  What we are expected to look like are a bunch of girls that either starve themselves or practically look like barbies after hours of digital editing.  Is this real?  Is this realistic?  Is this truth?  The sad thing is.. I sometimes strive for something unrealistic without always realizing it.  As Hannah Montana so annoyingly said: "Nobody's Perfect." However truth deprived Miley Cyrus may be, this saying has a lot of sense to it.  Nobody is perfect. We all have our share of insecurities no matter what we look like.  If we are seemingly "perfect" or have many noticeable flaws, we are all made in the image of God.  Isn't that real?  Isn't it beautiful?  No one is ugly in God's sight.  How can we be?  We were made in his image!  Not the worlds image. Contrary to what people may tell you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made {Psalm 139}.  And this is something I'm still trying to learn myself.  I understand fully what God says of me but it's difficult to think on such things when the world constantly tells me otherwise.  In the end, it's nothing more than a fruitless pursuit. It will only drain us emotionally, spiritually and also physically.  Read Psalm 139 and be blessed by these words of unchanging truth.  Have an awesome day!

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