Saturday, April 9, 2011

My weird life as a Speech and Debater. (Note: This post has no moral value whatsoever)

Let's just say every time I go to a tournament it feels like I'm practically moving out of my house.  My mom comes out with things I don't think she needs, and I'm right behind her with stuff I know I don't need.  I'm in my suit most of the time so I'm not sure why I insist on packing a ton of extra clothing.  The funny thing about speech and debate is that everyone else thinks we're so nerdy.  But we think we're super cool.  Which I think I will have to agree with, for the most part.  We are awesome.  What can we say?  For about 3 days we're stuck inside a building surrounded by debate boxes and suit jackets, and we lose all contact with civilization.  In fact, after the third day, when we walk outside to leave, we fall to the ground screaming, "Ahh! The Light! It burns!".

Actually, this isn't entirely true.  We do see the outside world once in a while.  The notion that all homeschoolers are anti social needs to be destroyed.  While I will agree that some are I think it's very much incorrect to assume that we all are. Our being schooled at home means NOTHING. I felt like a true nerd when I got excited about.. wait for it.. suit shopping!  It was before our recent Austin tournament.  I desperately needed a new suit and mom finally gave in to my constant reminders of this fact.  So off we went to go suit shopping.  And I was excited!  I still don't understand this but maybe I never will.  I live off of Starbucks and after about two days my feet feel like they are about to fall off.  I can't wait for the day they decide to have it in a church with accessible escalators.  On a serious note, running around in heels all day long is NOT on the top of my "I love" list.  At the beginning of the day I feel really businesslike and professional, towards the end of the day my attitude on this issue is more like: Forget businesslike.. get me some socks.  I'll go barefoot if I have to! Well, it's 8 in the morning and I'm running out of things to talk about.  So I guess this is it. :)

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