Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Courage in the face of the.. Itsy Bitsy Spider?

It seems as if courage is a trait more abundant in the younger years.  Before reality fully hits them and they still have their innocence.  Today I was patiently helping Jordan with her reading homework, when Sydney runs in wearing my dads shoes and holding a broom.  "Will you kill a spider for me?!" Her frightened facial expression gave me a heads up before anything came out of her mouth.  "Sydney I'm sure you're fully capable of killing that spider, how big is it?".  With hand signals, she showed me exactly how big the spider was.  Or at least, how big she wanted me to think it was.
"Sydney, you can kill that by yourself."  "No, I don't want to" "Sydney, with living in the country comes, being able to kill bugs." Or rather.. 'Arachnids'. "Will you please do it for me!!?".  Jordan, my 6 year old sister, obviously got tired of the persistent arguing and said, "I'll do it!!".  She stood up, grabbed another pair of my dad's shoes and shuffled from the room.  She's not really a big fan of spiders either but she walked confidently forward to the place where the spider was presumed to be.  She stopped, crossed her arms,  and said, "where is it?". By this point, Sydney was on the table pointing to where it was. Let's just say, we had to squint to see that thing.  Jordan raised the shoe in battle position and charged!! Just killing this spider obviously didn't suffice for this 6 year old.  She didn't stop until she had completely mutilated it.  

When we are younger, we're almost fearless. As we get older we are exposed to more and more of the world causing us to become more afraid.  I watched Jordan smash that spider with every inch of strength she possessed.  She seemed fearless.  As she gets older, she will take in more of the world, giving her more things to fear.  While killing a spider is a measly example of courage for some, it was a moment of panic for Sydney and moment of courage for Jordan.  As she gets older, there will be more things that will cause her to fear. I pray she will approach them with the same attitude of fearless innocence, and a mindset that will empower her to conquer the world.

The only difference is, when we get older we become more aware, this makes us more or less afraid depending on the attitude we possess.  If you let the world scare you, it will.  But if you choose to enter this world like it's the spider and you're carrying a shoe, there is almost nothing that can stop you.  Let God be your shoe.  With God, what do we possibly have to fear?  Yes, as humans we will still become afraid at times, but there is a difference between being afraid and being in constant fear.  Remember, there is a God who is watching out for you no matter what!  You can feel safe and secure because he loves you too much and he will never present you with something you can't handle.  Be strong! And be fearless in the Lord!


  1. Funny story -- made me laugh! And what a great message.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jeremiah is scared of spiders too. But I still have the courage to kill.. well, pick them up and move them outside! Aha! ;P
