Sunday, May 8, 2011

Who's first? God or football?

Kids really do say the darndest things.  While sometimes it's just plain funny, other times it conveys a sort of thought provoking meaning without the realization of it.

For example,

In our family it is our goal and our duty to feed a love and a fear of God, above all else.  As humans, our selfish desires can sometimes become a barrier between us and this goal. But we must keep forward, fighting back these desires with the word of God.  Remember that he comes first and foremost in all things. Jordan is sometimes my biggest reminder of this.  There have been a few times where I have approached my sister with an "I love you" and in turn, she replies with, "I love God more".  At these specific moments I always find myself laughing at her sheer innocence and again replying to her with, "good, I'm glad, but I still love you." I didn't really think much about it until yesterday when the underlying meaning of this statement popped out at me.  Why was I randomly thinking of this? I'm not entirely sure; thoughts buzz through my head at high speeds everyday.  But this is what came to mind.. Do we really always put God first? 

I often have to remind myself of my priorities, mainly because life has it's own special way of..well.. getting in the way.  God is always first, my duty to him as a servant and a fisher of men.  Next comes my undying duty to my family, always loving, serving and defending them.  Then comes my friends.  Next, my education and so on.  While all these things rate high on my list of importance, nothing should come higher than God.  Keeping God first all the time is certainly not an easy task; it requires perseverance, faith and trust.  The world will barge in and try to convince you of it's necessity or it's importance.  What will you do?  Give in and give it the highest spot?  Or push it aside?  Because Christ died for us, it is our duty to in turn, give our lives to him.  And we don't do this by disregarding him for other things that only seem more important at the time. We do this with the realization that He is the Lord our God, above him there is no other.   While we can't be perfect, we must try.  We are called to be like Jesus. 

Remind yourself daily, and even numerous times throughout the day that God comes first.