Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day #29- Personal best is a good goal, but God's standard is the best.

I had a miserable running experience a couple days ago.  For starters, I felt sick before we even started the workout, mix that with the 100 degree weather and my unconditioned body and I could tell this was not going to be an enjoyable practice.  But we have the state meet this weekend and therefore, giving up and sitting out was the last thing on my mind.  I can't speak for anyone else, but when it comes to myself and my own physical capabilities.. I try my best not to give up if I know I can do it.  

"What are we running today?"  I asked in hopes that it would be something sort of easy to ease myself back into shape after my 2 week vacation.  "A mile and a half"  This was not the response I was expecting, but okay, I can do that.  "Is that all we are doing today?" "Nope" Oh great.. I thought.  I drank some more water and and walked up to the starting line.  "Josh is trying to kill me"  He just laughed.  We should make him run this with us.  I got ready to run, I wasn't exactly anticipating the intense run ahead but complaining wouldn't do me any good, and besides I always feel good after a hard workout.  

This was the worst running experience in all my years of running.  

By the second lap I was on the verge of throwing up.  So I  went to go get some water.  While at the same time giving myself a pep talk.  I didn't know if I could finish it, but I was gonna try my best.  I walked back out into the heat and started running.  Of course, my annoying stomach had to get in the way again.. the terrible nauseous feeling wouldn't leave. But I tried not to stop.  By the middle of the third lap, my body really had it out for me.  My stomach felt like it twisted up into a giant and immensely painful knot.  I would stop every couple yards because it hurt so bad, breathing was a more difficult task than usual and I had a really bad headache.  I went ahead and  finished the lap before stopping again for some water.  

"Conner are you okay?  Go ahead and sit out" Coach tells me.  I was mortified. I've never been asked to sit out because I couldn't handle something.  Needless to say, I was feeling a very high level of frustration towards myself.  I felt like I had failed because I couldn't finish the last three laps.  I have to set goals for myself so I have something to strive for a push myself towards and in the end this makes me feel more accomplished. I stood up, I was prepared to finish what I started.  "Coach I'm going to go ahead and finish the three laps" "No it's okay" "But I can do it"  "It's fine don't worry about it, we're all about to run some more anyway."  I was a little disappointed but I had the chance to make it up.  We ended up having another mile to run and while It still hurt, I wasn't planning on stopping and I ran them almost the whole way through.  

We are imperfect beings.  But with God we have a perfect standard to work towards.  I enjoy setting goals for myself because I always end up being surprised at my own capabilities, I can keep moving the bar higher and in the end, bettering myself.   

God just wants us to give 100% in everything we do.  There was only so much I could do with my stomach hurting that bad. I gave my best so I shouldn't have been so upset with myself.  I'm not a sports obsessed nut. But I can't help but feel disappointed when I set a goal for myself and I can't complete it.  Setting goals can apply to all areas of life and it's good to have a reachable standard to work towards.  But don't beat yourself up when you can't complete a goal you've set for yourself, as long as you've given your best.  Now you have the opportunity to learn and aim for that goal again. 

In the end, our ultimate goal is Jesus Christ and completing what we have been put here to do.  Philippians 3:13-14, "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

{Conner Danielle}

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