Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day #5: Promoting positivity (enthusiasm) one smile at a time

There is a huge difference between an 'enthusiastic employee' and one that would murder you if they could.  We can all account to that.

There is nothing that bothers me more than.. wait, yes there is.  Anyway, it is indeed very irksome when you are in a restaurant or a gas station and the employees strut around with their smile stuck upside down.  I think to myself, If you hate your job so much.. why are you here? I think it's a fair question.

Then there are those times when I have a friendly conversation with the all too hyper Starbucks employees, or the lovely Chick Fil A people who actually treat me like a priority and aren't having a miserable time doing it.  People notice your attitude.  Being enthusiastic even when you aren't "in the mood" to makes all the difference.

I guess I could understand why we have all these Johnny Raincloud's running around.  They've been working all day, they're tired.  Maybe they have a lot on their mind, or something's going on at home.  The truth is, it's difficult to be enthusiastic when you really have nothing to be enthusiastic about.  But we have a beautiful opportunity right in front of our eyes just waiting to be grabbed.

Christians have everything to be enthusiastic about.  And because we have so many things to be happy about, it is our duty to share that happiness.  We are not supposed to keep it to ourselves.  But we are supposed to let it shine through us.  Those people that
look like they're always having a bad day deserve some happiness to, right?? It takes real
skill to be enthusiastic when you don't have a reason to.  But it's a skill worth
learning, especially in this dark and gloomy world.  I read a quote once that said,
"Don't frown cause you never know who's falling in love with your smile."  Basically,
turn that frown upside down cause you never know the lives you are changing or the people you
are affecting with that radiant conviction and enthusiasm.  So show some teeth and be a
light to this downcast culture.  It's about time we had more enthusiastic people that
aren't just happy caused their hyped up on coffee, or because they get free chicken sandwiches
for lunch.  Let's be enthusiastic because we truly have a reason to.  So.. SMILE!
..You know you want to!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your face produces perseverance." -James 1:2-3

{Conner Danielle}

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