Saturday, December 10, 2011

Just Another "Christmasy" Blog

I cannot possibly describe the feeling of utter happiness I experience when Christmas rolls around every year.  I started the season off this year with 70 dozen cookies and LOTS of Michael Buble Christmas.  That was just the beginning!  Just the other day I was completing the perilous task of ascending the attic to retrieve our boxes of Christmas decorations and wreaths.  Singing along, quite loudly, to Christmas music all the while clad in not one but TWO sweatshirts. 

Yes it really does get cold in Texas, believe it or not.

There's just something about the holiday season that inspires warmth, amity, gaiety and familial bonding.  I cherish that indescribable feeling when I am presented with another moment to thank God for yet another Christmas, another beautiful opportunity to celebrate his sons birth.  

What can compare?

The correct answer should be a resounding, "NOTHING. . . duh", but I fear that answer may have gotten lost in the mob of holiday shoppers and personal gratification.  

Somewhere we seem to have forgotten what Christmas is really about.  While I cannot deny my love for pumpkin spice lattes and continual Christmas music, these worldly pleasures cannot be put on a higher throne than Jesus Christ.  Which is more important?  Fulfilling my taste buds desire for something delicious and "christmasy" or spending an eternity with the Maker of the Universe?

And no that is not a trick question.  

The simple truth is Jesus blessed us with his divine and miraculous birth over 2,000 years ago.  How is it that suddenly our thought processes are limited to how much cheaper that flat screen TV will be ON SALE!!  Don't misunderstand me, I'm talking about myself here as well.  It's easy to get sucked into the trap of "buy one get one half off".  

How about we remember that tis the season to be jolly because Christ entered the world as a baby to one day take the burden and punishment of our sins.  Maybe it's just me, but I'd take eternal life with Jesus Christ over a new TV any day.

Have a blessed Christmas!

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