Monday, January 16, 2012

The Zone of Comfort: My Dream(s)

I was thrown out of my comfort zone a while ago. Landed right on my butt.

Reminds me of the time I was in Port A for summer camp and one of the counselors ideas for "an awesome game" was putting a bunch of sun burned girls in a circle on the beach and said "fight".  Well, females are vicious.  I remember being grabbed by 4 girls and thrown out of the circle onto the sand.

Pardon my digression, but that was basically the way I exited my "zone of comfort".  I have vowed never to return.  I know that if I do, I'll become comfortable again and I can't have that.   Comfort is not key.  Unless you're sleeping or taking the PSAT.

I realized that there I things I want to accomplish, dreams I want to see become reality, adventures I want to create and a life I want to explore.  I can't do that if I'm afraid to walk out of my house.

If I had it my way, I'd still be at Geneva.  I'd still be quiet, awkward and would much rather prefer to be in places that are familiar rather than not.  But I gave myself one of those harsh self talks and I concluded that quiet, awkward people never get anywhere in life.  I had to walk outside that door and keep walking, while promising myself to never look back.  It's been a journey, but seeing where I am now.. I wouldn't trade the trials I faced and discomfort I experienced for anything in the world.  They challenged and grew me in certain areas making me who I am now.

So here are my dreams, it is my hope that I can accomplish most of these someday:

~To learn at least 3 foreign languages by the time I graduate highschool.  (Spanish, French and Italian)
~ Graduate college by 23
~Live in England for half a year while Attending L'abri (Francis Schaeffer Academy)
~Attend Summit Academy this summer for two weeks
~Become an intern for Teen Pact.
~Work with the Heritage Foundation
~Live in New York for a year while working at a large journalism company.
~Travel the world.
~Go sky diving and scuba diving
~Go to Nationals in NCFCA
~Become a professional barrel racer
~Start my own company
~Work with escaped/rescued sex trafficking victims.
~Live in Ireland
~Marry someone completely amazing, who's love for God far surpasses his love for me and have him come on some of my adventures with me and most of all be my best friend.

So that's what my list looks like now.  I could do none of these if the Lord and my family had prodded me out of my comfort zone.  Well, more like cattle prodded me out.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 


  1. I totally know how that works! When I joined debate, I was very reserved. I was forced way out of my comfort zone and decided to go with it! Now, I am the complete opposite of what I was and loving life all the more for it! I pray all your dreams come true, I know you can accomplish them :)

  2. Hi there! So, first off I'd like to state that I'm not selling anything. But pleeeeeease could you come visit my blog? It's a writing blog :)
    It would be awesome if you could come see it :D
