Monday, March 5, 2012

All Star.. not really.

Hi. My name is Conner, and I like to be good at everything.  I'm sure most of you know at least one person like this.
You could invite me to a ping pong tournament and my goal would be to beat everyone. . . And I don't even like ping pong.  Or I suppose I should say I don't "appreciate" it to it's full potential, I'm sure professional ping-pong-ers (?) have amazing arms.  But that's besides the point.  Well let me be the first to tell you this, my bloggy friends, I am not good at everything.   I could give you a list of things I'm not very good at:
-Being patient
-Saying goodbye

And the list goes on and on.   There are people who have a natural gift for speaking in front of other people, and there are others who avoid public speaking like the plague.  That's because everyone has certain strengths and certain weaknesses and that is perfectly okay!

Jesus refers to us as "The Body of Christ." However, before we delve into that let's first look at a human body.  Let's think about how weird it would be it everyone looked like a giant hand.  What are the benefits of looking like a giant hand?  Sure, you could grab things, but you couldn't see, you couldn't hear and you couldn't walk.  Why? Because you're a giant hand.  Same thing goes for any other solitary body part.  You could accomplish what that one body part was originally intended to accomplish, but nothing more. 

Now, let's stop and thank the Lord that we aren't all giant hands.  With our bodies we have hands, feet, eyes, ears, a heart and so on and every single thing fulfills a certain, important purpose.  Eyelashes seem pretty pointless, but those are what keep dirt from getting into your eye.  Eyelashes are the reason we don't randomly see people on the floor writhing in pain and screaming "my eye!!".  Isn't that awesome?

Every part is important and every part is needed.  Now, let's revert back to the body of Christ.  It's the exact same way, we couldn't all have the exact same talent.  We all have different strengths and weaknesses because we all have a purpose to fulfill.

In 1 Corinthians it says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

So basically, there will be things I'm not gonna be great at but through my weaknesses, Gods power is intensified.

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