Saturday, July 31, 2010


Sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy the simpler things in life, now, I'm not saying you should bow to the next seemingly unimportant object you see. But merely stop taking advantage of the smaller things. For example, today I thought I would spend my time taking pictures of small things, that don't often to get to enjoy the spotlight. A few of the subjects chosen were:

-A lamp ( I thought it was pretty)
- and various picture assortments around our lovely home.

These may seem weird, but you might find it truly inspiring what a simple picture can do. Some of you might be thinking right about now. . . 'Why would anyone take a picture of a lamp?' But ask yourselves this, how would life be different without them? Lets say a lamp represents electricity, Where would we be without it? Sure, we would be fine during the day because we have an awesome God who supplies us with natural light, but he also designed it so that there would be a separation between light and darkness. So, in simpler terms, when it gets dark we need something to help us see. Now, these days they have many different lamps. Some are for decorating and some are to light the darkness, some go on the ceiling and some stay on the ground. I, myself, am happy that they make lamps with more. . . flavor, I guess you could say, because taking pictures of boring lamps would definitely be. . . Well. . . boring. Right now you might be asking yourself, why is she blabbing on about lamps? I don't care! For clarification: it's not the lamp I want you to take from this, but the picture it paints.

Don't take advantage of the little things, appreciate them.


  1. I love the simple things in life! It is the simple that makes me appreciate God's beauty. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Amen sista! Especially when it's something God creates. The little simple things that He gives us are so amazing!! Love you :)

  3. Oh and I LOVE your header picture (the one with the hand and sun :) beautiful
