Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A weekend at good ol' Garner State Park.

Now, one of the first things you should know here is, I've NEVER been Garner. . . Ever. This seems silly since we live fairly close but I've never actually been given the privelege of visiting. My dad thought for sure he had been before, but upon arrival he realized he had been mistaken. Well, we didn't just one day decide, out of the blue, to pack up and head to Garner. Yes my parents often do things without really planning, but this was not one of those times.  Also, they didn't even have to do any of the planning.. I did! Yes, normally when I try to plan things for my parents it doesn't turn out to great. But it did this time! Which is strange considering I planned this whole thing with a 16 year old boy. I'm also quite surprised that my parents even agreed to it. My mom normally likes to speak to another adult when I attempt to plan things for her, but this time the only 'other adult' my mom got to talk to was my dad, and it still turned out great!

So its about 1, on Saturday, and we FINALLY leave. I had texted him a little before this with a 'We'll be there about 2:30' message.  Well, as you've probably guessed.. this didn't happen. We didn't end up getting there til about 5:00. So much for 2 whole days. Only joking, it was absolutely fine the way it turned out.  2 hours later, we are pulling in the entrance of Garner State park and it is time to make a phone call.

"Hey, We're here!"

the remainder of the conversation was used to give me directions, and after about 5 "Wait, what?" 's and "Say that again?"'s we finally figured out where we were going.  After this we arrived at their campsite and made formal 'country-style' introductions.  Then my sisters and I, Stephen, Julia and Jeremiah all piled in our small minivan and began 'the tour'!  We concluded the 'show and tell' by taking a small detour to a 'swimming hole' where Jordan informed us that she no longer wanted to swim.  She never told us her reasoning for this but it wasn't hard to figure out. She was embarrassed.  It took my dad to finally coerce her to take the plunge.  I unfortunately didn't swim because I was wearing a nice pair of jeans and didn't want to risk ruining them. (I look back now and realize how silly I was for thinking this.)  Why didn't I jump in?  I was being a total party pooper and I'm not exactly sure what my problem was.  Normally, this would've been a no brainer. Living out in the country, rash decisions like this are not only normal, but.. expected.  I regret this decision, but it's over and done with and next time hopefully i'll do less thinking and more doing.

The remainder of the trip consisted of country dancing and lots of swimming, it was so much fun! We even get to return for Thanksgiving. Hello freezing cold water!

Well Garner, until next time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Guitar.

Dear Guitar, I started playing you about 4 years ago and I have enjoyed every moment. Sure, it was tough and challenging, but what is life without a few roadblocks? Sometimes I felt the need to just sit down and write a beautiful, thought provoking song, and you were there to help me complete this. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I didn't, and now look where I am! I have met people who have a love for this beautiful instrument, and to watch them succeed and become better every day gives me hope. I have a passion to continue playing you. To learn new chords and expand in my knowledge. To grow as a young musician. The trials are only there to make me stronger, not to encourage me to give up. I am not a failure. Also, thank you Jesus for giving me this passion and this talent. Thanks mom and dad, for always pushing me harder and then listening when I have a new song to play. Thank you to my guitar teachers who have helped through the mistakes and watched me succeed because they knew I could do it. Thank you Music, Thank you guitar. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just Another Day in the Liberto Household.

Today, I thought I would give you a small 'Tour' of our normal days. Now, when I say normal I don't mean we act normal, but this daily routine has become normal.

At about, 8:00 in the morning, my mother wakes up to enjoy her coffee and a book before her time of relaxation is suddenly finished as Jordan comes walking out, sleepily. This is when she expects my mom to get her some cereal because she can't reach it herself. A little while later Sydney emerges form her room looking like a dead man walking (Or Woman). After eating their cereal, they both run off to find an interesting activity they can both engage in. This is when I wake up, It is now about 9:30 and I start my day out with some Bible reading and then I wash my face and exit my room, heading for. . . the coffee maker. After this the day continues, Jordan and Sydney play happily until they find something to argue about, this is when I intervene. My dad is working in his office and my mom is at her computer, checking her email or working on the business. I always find entertainment by playing my guitar, drawing, writing, reading or maybe watching a movie (But that doesn't happen to often during the day).

As the day is coming to a close and 'almost' everyone begins to wind down (The girls normally gain more energy during this time period) we sit down as a family to have our nightly Bible study. Everything goes great until the 5 year old gets fidgety and begins asking repetitively if she can leave and go find something else to do. After this is over we close for the night, everyone goes to their bedrooms. My mom retires to her computer and my dad will watch some TV while he stretches, then off to bed. The lights are turned off as sleep awaits us. Until tomorrow!