Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Guitar.

Dear Guitar, I started playing you about 4 years ago and I have enjoyed every moment. Sure, it was tough and challenging, but what is life without a few roadblocks? Sometimes I felt the need to just sit down and write a beautiful, thought provoking song, and you were there to help me complete this. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I didn't, and now look where I am! I have met people who have a love for this beautiful instrument, and to watch them succeed and become better every day gives me hope. I have a passion to continue playing you. To learn new chords and expand in my knowledge. To grow as a young musician. The trials are only there to make me stronger, not to encourage me to give up. I am not a failure. Also, thank you Jesus for giving me this passion and this talent. Thanks mom and dad, for always pushing me harder and then listening when I have a new song to play. Thank you to my guitar teachers who have helped through the mistakes and watched me succeed because they knew I could do it. Thank you Music, Thank you guitar. :)


  1. LOVE the photography...and the fact that you're not afraid of a good challenge. I gave up the guitar after a few weeks. I wish I had stayed with it!

    - Caitlin
    PR Manager|CollegePlus

  2. Thank you so much! Yeah, you should've stayed with it, its definitely a fun instrument to learn!
