Friday, March 11, 2011

{The Great American Sophism}

Sophism- A fallacious argument, esp. one used deliberately to deceive. 

As Americans, and also as humans I think we can find many things that fit perfectly with this definition.  But when I ran across this definition there was really only one thing that came to mind.  The great American lie: That we are not good enough.  Although, it's not always openly voiced, we can't deny.. it's seen everywhere.  Don't believe me?  Go stand in line at any grocery store and read the front cover of every magazine.  They will often say things like, "Do this for amazing hair"  or "10 ways to get your best body for summer." This not enough?  Flip through a few pages and you'll find articles on how to make yourself better, get more attention from guys, or step by step instructions to improve your love life.  The reality is, we're not good enough for the world.  In fact, we will never be good enough for the world.  And trying to keep up with it's constant trends will help you achieve nothing but emotional exhaustion, and often times; low self esteem.  The more you try to please everyone, the more you (without realizing it) degrade your self esteem, until you are doing nothing but hiding behind a plastic smile.  The sooner we realize that our identity comes from God and God alone, the better. 

For a few long agonizing years I tried desperately to improve myself in the eyes of others.  I wasn't free, I was being held captive to what the world thought about me, and I found my self esteem slowly withering away.  Until, I could find nothing nice to say about myself at all.  I would be a different person around different people, depending on who I was talking too.  And I hid behind a smile, in fact I became very good at.  No one ever suspected a thing, but I could feel everything.  It was emotionally straining.  Till I realized something, It was one of those Aha! moments.  Basically, why do I seek to please a world that I'm never going to be good enough for, when I already have a God who has told me exactly who I am in his eyes.

{Psalm 139}

When you accept Christ you are given a NEW identity.  Something that won't change.  No matter how much the world changes. What He thinks about us won't change.  And that is a promise.

You are more than the choices that you've made.
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes.
You are more than the problems you create.
You are more.
You've been remade.

This is not about what you've done..
but what's been done for you.
This is not about where you've been..
but where your brokenness brings you to.
This is not about what you feel.. 
but what he felt to forgive you. 
And what he felt to make you loved.

{You Are More- Tenth Avenue North}


  1. Awesome post, Conner! It is so true that we can and will never be able to live up what the world wants because they are looking for God, we must look to God to find what He wants us to be...
    Keep on posting strong, girly! <3
