Monday, May 23, 2011

Let the imagination run wild!

My 6 year old sister's imagination is about as big and as full as a rainforest. ( I couldn't think of anything else to put here and rainforest seemed to fit the part.)

She doesn't always realize her capacity for creativity.

For the past two weeks I have watched her strut around the house with an old scarf tied to her little, slightly red haired head.  But of course, it's not meant to simply be a dull and lifeless scarf, it's supposed to be hair.  And it doesn't end there (Literally..) Attached to this scarf lies several more multi-colored, differently shaped scarves.  I suppose it can be considered a helpful asset to her tiny figure.  I always know where she's at,  Just follow the "hair"..

I must confess, there have been times when I have tried to deliberately halt her moving forward by stepping on her 'hair.'  She has not been pleased with this.  "Ow.. OW! You're hurting my hair!" Of course it is not my intention to bring her dreams crashing down and so I reply, "Oh! My goodness..  I'm so sorry!".  She is young, therefore, she can get away with such cuteness.  However, as she get's older there will come a time when tying 4 scarves to your head will no longer be socially acceptable and the world will begin to judge her 'sanity'.  But until that rather depressing day comes, I will watch in humorous delight as she exercises her little mind and let's her never ending imagination take flight!

Being able to imagine is an important tool.  It opens up new doors and allows for blissful reverie.  I remember when my imagination was as unharnessed and free as hers is now.  I remember ever so clearly watching Pinnochio and then immediately trying to mimic Jiminy Cricket's boat (umbrella) sailing experience.  I went to my parents bathroom, filled the tub up with water and attempted to sit in my own umbrella.  Unfortunately, this excursion only left my little 5 year old self in sheer disenchantment.  Well, until about 5 minutes later when I would subconsciously stumble onto something else to attempt.  My imagination made the world seem like a brighter place than I could have ever dreamed at that age.  Along with creating some fantastic memories that I still occasionally smile about today. With that said, don't hinder that imagination of yours.. let it run free!! Well, maybe with a retractable leash. 

Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are everything in this world. 

-Blaise Pascal

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