Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day # 1: Confidence is attractive. Pride? Not so much

We all know (or should know) who was in the NBA  Finals this year..

*Drum Roll*

The Miami Heat vs. The Dallas Mavericks.

While I am purely Texan.. I did not waste my precious time rooting for the mavs (I now realize what a mistake that was.) I was all for Miami this year.  I can't say I was head over heels for either team, but seeing as I had to pick one I might as well go with Miami.  My dad on the other hand was going for the mavs.  Much to his dismay, he would much rather have liked to cheer for his all time favorite team, the San Antonio Spurs.  But as they didn't make it, we could only hope for next year. 

We were watching the game and my dad began to mock the Heat.  He was openly expressing his feelings for them.   I probably did my own share of making fun, but I also asked him why he didn't like the Heat very much.  His answer was simple and straightforward.

"Because they have too much pride"  Specifically, he was referring to the teams infamous leaders.. Dwayne Wade and Lebron James.  At the beginning of the year the duo had promised a 2011 championship as they flaunted their swag and unmistakable skill.  "They're confident.. what's wrong with that?"  "That's not confidence" My dad replied in a tone of disgust. "That's pride".

I realized he had a point. 

I think confidence is an attractive thing. It releases an air that just draws people to you.  But it's when confidence morphs into pride that a problem begins to develop.

Philippians 1:6 says,
"Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

So the challenge for the day is this: Be confident!  And live with conviction.  Be confident in what you believe.  Be confident in your walk with Christ.  And like the verse so accurately states, be confident that the Lord will finish his good work in you.  Don't be weighed down with your own pride, but rather, be adorned with confidence.

"Confidence imparts a wondrous inspiration to it's possessor.  It bears him on in security, either to meet no danger, or to find matter of glorious trial."

        ~John Milton~

{Conner Danielle}

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