Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day #2: ProcrastiNation

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" ~Emma Lazarus 

The American heritage is one of hard work, sacrifice, family, and accomplishment. Our Nation was founded by men, who were convicted enough to believe that it was their duty and end to secure the future freedom of their families, and those of their friends and countrymen. Sadly, these men only made up five percent of the population, and today, not much has changed. 
Millions of people in this nation dream of doing something significant, and those  that actually "make it", we give the title of "celebrity", or "world leader", etc.. But how many of us ever truly succeed in becoming significant? The answer is, none of us. Whether you are a famous actor, fashion model or politician, you are only significant or famous, because you have been given the title. They may be significant in our little eyes, but to those of our Creator, they are just another little foolishness, crawling about on a speck of dust. 

But to the point. Back when ships were made of wood, and the men were made of iron,  a time when people didn't stand by and do nothing. It was a time, where men stood up to tyranny, and acted on their convictions. I do admit that there were nasty things like duels and guillotines back then, but hey, we've filtered those out now. We've also filtered out a lot of our passion and determination. 

Time to fess up. I'm just another procrastinator who says things like, what can one person do? The answer is, A LOT. Mahatma Gandhi, one man who who left his mark on history said, "A 'no' uttered in deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or, what is worse, to avoid trouble." 

We all have convictions, and maybe it's time that we do something about them. Our Nation was built on hard work, sacrifice, and action. The statue of Liberty is not just a tourist attraction, it is a symbol of the courage and freedom, that was bought at a high price. We are privileged to live in this country, and our freedom isn't given to us, so that other's can violate it. We have the freedom to make a difference. Use it. 

Mix in, or stand out. Your choice. 

"There are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back." ~Tom DeMarco


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