Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Believe This is Day #3: The Beautiful Art of Mentorship

I work at an awesome place.

Technically, it's not my primary job, just something I enjoy doing. It's a ministry built solely on selfless love and goals.  There are two main things this ministry directs it's attention to.  The first, is delivering boxes to those stricken by poverty in Boerne and 7 other surrounding counties.  The second, Is their mentoring programs.

I was sitting there staring at my screen, the next topic I would be writing about popped out at me.  Much to my dismay, this was the only one on the list I didn't really want to do.  Not that it was a bad topic.  I just didn't know what I was going to write about.  I racked my brain all day while I was at work. The screen quietly voiced,  Find a coach.  What does this mean?? I will not lie, I was utterly and miserably stumped. Then it hit me.. again. Kinda like when I came up with this whole idea in the first place.  Things hit me a lot I guess.  And this brings me back to what I was saying in the beginning.  Mentoring.  Daily Bread Ministries volunteers' sacrifice their time to mentor and minister to some of these kids that come in everyday from broken families.. thirsting for attention and sometimes even yearning for love.

It's not until you see a mentored child or hear stories that you really begin to realize what an impact mentoring can make.  Sometimes we become so immune and desensitized to what's going on around us that we fail to see the hurt and the pain that lingers beneath the surface. This doesn't mean you have to rush out and join the nearest mentoring program. While this is nice, this isn't mainly what I'm conveying.  Sometimes all you have to do is take the time to really look and really feel and really care.  Sometimes we become so absorbed in life that it just passes us by and we completely miss it!  I, myself, am guilty of this.  Going to work there completely changes my attitude.  Because just for a while I can see the growing need as God sees it,  and because he has equipped me with certain gifts I can do my share in helping with this need. We as humans have a unquenchable desire to be loved.  We as Christians have been clothed with the love of Christ, not so we can keep it to ourselves, but so we can give it to those ask. By mentoring, talking and simply caring for those with spiritual, physical or emotional needs our eyes can be opened to what's really going on in the shadows of this dark world.  Let us use mentor ship to bring a light of Christ to every corner.  When we choose to sacrifice our wants for their needs, the benefits are numerous.  Not only do we see the world through a new pair of eyes, but these little acts of kindness can mean the world to them.   They don't have to have a pain that's obvious, they can be hurting internally.  Whatever the need.  Let us rise to the challenge of meeting it.

"Love them like Jesus, carry them to him. His yoke is easy and his burden is light.  You don't need the answers to all of life's questions, just know that he loves them and stays by their side, so love them like Jesus."  -Casting Crowns//Love Them Like Jesus

{Conner Danielle}

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